My main goal of every session is for you and your pet to have a fun and memorable experience from beginning to end. I also want you to feel confident in the emotional and financial investment you are making.
I strive to make sure that the entire process is as streamlined and convenient as possible for you so that we may focus on the fun part – the photo shoot!
I hope that every time you walk past your pet’s custom artwork throughout your home, memories of the fun and pure joy you and your pet shared on the day of the photo shoot will come to mind. And long after your pet is gone, I want the artwork to keep your connection with your beloved friend alive and well.
This is what you may expect from your Paws & Prints experience
Just click on each title below for detailed information!
The Paws & Prints experience starts from the moment you make your first phone call to me. I believe that you and your pet deserve the best customer service throughout the entire process. This will not only be a financial investment for you, but an emotional one as well and I want you both to walk away super happy after your experience.
We will discuss the creative fees and artwork pricing so there are no surprises later on in the process. I want you to have all the facts up front so you will feel confident with your investment.
We will also decide upon a mutually agreeable date for the photo shoot as well as some possible location options. If you can’t decide on a specific location (if you don’t want to hold the session at your home), I’d be more than happy to suggest some beautiful locations that would be perfect backgrounds for your pet’s photo shoot. And don’t worry, we can always firm up the shoot location later.
Finally, we will schedule your pre-shoot consultation which will be held at my studio or at your home. All financial decision makers should be present at this consultation so please keep that in mind when deciding upon a date.
Once we both mutually agree upon dates for your consultation and photo shoot, I will reserve those dates and email a Photography Contract to you to review.
Please take time to review the Contract as the Creative Fee is non-refundable. You may either digitally sign the Contract and email it back to me, or you may sign it at our consultation meeting. I will email you a countersigned copy for your records.
I love to get business out of the way so we may focus on only having fun, fun and even more fun on the day of your pet’s shoot!
I will email a PayPal® invoice to you for full payment of the non-refundable Creative Fee. You don’t need to have a PayPal® account in order to make a payment through PayPal®. Credit cards, debit cards, and checking accounts are accepted through PayPal®. Financing is also available through PayPal Credit®.
During the consultation, we will create your pet’s ideal session by deciding on any props (bandanas, collars, sweater, favorite toy or bed, etc.) and discuss location options that match your pet’s personality and lifestyle. is an amazing place to find unique pet gear.
We will go over any particular shots you’d like me to take during the photo shoot. However, I find that the best shots are not the pre-planned ones, but rather the candid shots of your pet doing what he/she does best: looking cute while showing off that unique personality you fell in love with! This is how you’re going to best remember your furry friend – not whether he was perfectly placed on Aunt Betty’s antique parlor chair while wearing a perfectly-pressed black bow tie (unless that’s his favorite chair and bow tie, of course). So my point is, please don’t stress out on getting THE perfect shot because I promise you that it will happen naturally during our shoot.
We will also discuss custom artwork samples and start thinking about how best to display them in your home. I’m also very passionate about interior decorating and have developed a keen eye for color and artwork display so I’m always happy to make recommendations of what will look best in your home. Feel free to bring some wall measurements of where you’d like to display your gallery (this will help us during the ordering process later on).
Before our consultation, please take some photos of the wall(s) on which you’re thinking about displaying your custom artwork. I have an awesome software program that will show us exactly what the finished custom artwork will look like displayed in your actual home. The best part is, it will be true to scale eliminating any guesswork! All you need to do is tape a piece of regular copy paper to the wall (use painter’s tape so you don’t damage the wall) and take photos with your cell phone. Feel free to text the photos to (239) 370-8499 prior to our consultation.
I will meet you and your pet at our predetermined time and shoot location. If your pet is a dog, I highly recommend taking him/her for a walk about an hour before the session. This will help get all that crazy energy out and will make for a more relaxing and fun session for both you and your dog.
We will have a mini-consultation to go over our shot list. Since we already discussed your gallery goals at our consultation, I will also be thinking of the best shots to take of your pet that will look great displayed as custom artwork.
Then we move on to the best part – the shoot itself! You can just sit back, relax and watch your pet have a great time. I guarantee we’ll end the session with a pooped-out pet and a huge smile on your face!
We will meet at my studio where I will have a presentation of expertly-selected images ready for you to “ooh” and “aah” over.
We will decide which will look best displayed with the decor in your home: black & white or color, and whether to apply any certain styles (such as a vintage look).
We will also have images of how that artwork will look like displayed on your walls (from that awesome software program I mentioned earlier) to help you envision what the final products would look like in your actual home.
I only offer very high-quality products – I don’t believe in cutting corners. I use a professional print lab that’s only available to professional photographers and it’s one of the top print labs in the nation. I offer unique stock frames (which you won’t find in stores) from an awesome supplier known for high-quality products. If you’re interested in custom frames, I use Calusa Gallery in North Naples – one of the best in the area.
Full payment for the custom artwork is due at the time the order is placed. Credit cards and debit cards can be conveniently processed through PayPal®. Financing for 6 months on purchases over $99 through PayPal Credit is available as well!
Your custom artwork will be hand-delivered a few weeks after the order is placed. Please feel free let out a girlish scream of delight when you open your special packages – couch jumping is perfectly acceptable behavior as well!